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#TornadoGiveaway 3: Book 53: When I Fell in Love with Life by Geetha Paniker

Know what it is to hit rock-bottom and still Fall in Love with Life with Geetha Paniker in #TornadoGiveaway 3 by The Book Club.

When I Fell in Love with Life by Geetha Paniker

When I Fell in Love with Life by Geetha Paniker
Name of the book: When I Fell in Love
with Life
Author: Geetha Paniker
Read some reviews:

1. Chittajit Mitra
2. Tushti Bhatia 
3. Dipanshu Rawal 

The Story: 

An anthology of writings from a cancer survivor whose therapeutic writing will guide, inspire, and heal your soul. She lays bare all the aspects of private suffering yet points out how she overcame each challenge with grit, determination, and a healthy dose of childish delight and wonder. Profound thoughts narrated in a simple language. Her words and wonderful ability to blend with her surroundings, yet stand out by absorbing the essence of it all; will challenge you to look at life through a rebel's twinkling eye. Journey with this nature-loving, soul-searching, deep-thinking powerhouse. See what it feels like to touch rock bottom and build a solid foundation for a life made on her terms. A truthful story that continues to redefine the norm and gives you a glimpse into the life of a true survivor.

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About The Author 

Geetha Paniker is a retired primary school teacher. She has a unique ability to find beauty around when pain rains on her. It is this pain that keeps her grounded and humane. She is a teacher at heart, though she believes God and nature are the best teachers. 

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Go to Book No. 54 >> From Tiggie, With Love by Nitin Sharma

#TornadoGiveaway is an initiative of The Book Club. Click on the icon to go to the event page of the Tornado .. Lots of fun awaits you :)

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